Get A Quarry Licence Banner

Get a Quarry Licence

The local Mining and Quarrying sector is mainly driven by bauxite and alumina, which generate the most revenue for the sector. However, the sector has become more diversified over the years with the emergence of non-metallic minerals such as limestone, silica sand, marble, marl and fill, and clay. With over 50 billion tonnes of proven limestone reserves, Jamaica’s Mining Sector is excellently positioned to enjoy greater revenue earnings from key opportunities in areas such as the production of limestone and its high-value derivatives.

The Mines and Geology Division (MGD) has the statutory responsibility under the Mining Act and the Quarries Control Act to exercise general supervision over all prospecting, mining and quarrying operations throughout the island. The Division also manages the investigation, characterisation, documentation and release information on all aspects of the geology of Jamaica.

Its mission is to develop a comprehensive scientific understanding of the geology of the island and to direct the orderly development of the country’s mineral industry, ensuring all activities proceed in accordance with the mining legislation and in harmony with the environment.  This includes overseeing the processing, approval and issuing of Mining Leases and Quarry Licences. It is important to note that no extraction of materials/minerals through mining or quarrying is permitted without a license/lease granted by the Minister with responsibility for mining.

For more information about getting a Quarry Licence, continue to the next steps of this business process guideline.

How to get a Quarry Licence

The Process
Process Quick Tips


1.    The Quarry Advisory Committee (QAC) may recommend to the Minister of Transport and Mining (MTM) that an application be refused for reasons set out (under Section 9 (i)) in the Act. Where the Minister proposes to refuse an application for a licence, he shall notify the applicant in writing and afford him an opportunity to show cause why the licence should not be refused. 

2.    Once the Quarry is operational, “Quarterly Quarry Production Returns” must be submitted to the MGD. There are also a number of Special Conditions, which may be imposed on your Quarry Licence. These include conditions and/or restrictions laid out by any or all of the relevant agencies/organisations. If as a Licensee you fail to submit production returns within thirty days of the end of each quarterly period, you will be liable to a penalty of one (1) percent of the tax payable. This penalty will not in any case be less than fifteen thousand dollars (JMD$15,000) or more than thirty thousand dollars (JMD$30,000). Quarry tax payments are due within thirty (30) days of the end of each quarterly period. Failure to pay incurs a penalty of fifteen (15) percent of the tax payable, as well as interest of fifteen (15) percent per annum.

3.    Every licensee is required to maintain on deposit with the Commissioner - a Restoration Bond - for the rehabilitation of the land on which a quarry is located. This Bond is currently set at JMD$2.87M/hectare or JMD$0.79M/acre. This is essentially a performance bond held against any engineering or environmental breaches by the licensee. 

4.    Please note that the Quarry licence is not transferable without the consent of the Minister. A quarry license can be surrendered.  

For more information, you may also contact the MGD at “Contact Us”.